Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

MOTD 29/3

PERHATIAN: wahai para pembaca yg memiliki gangguan jantung disarankan untuk tidak melihat post saya yg satu ini krn dapat mengakibatkan efek samping yakni jantung yg berhenti berdetak seketika atau bs juga mengakibatkan keabnormalan sistem jantung yg berdebar dgn amat teramat sangat cepat.

The Man of Today, March 29th 2010 is a 41 yrs old Australian-born actor,
The Sexiest Man Alive of 2008 by People Magazine,
here are some shots of him.. (hati2 thdp efek samping yg telah diperingatkan sblmnya ya! :D)

Hugh Jackman as Leopold in 2001 romantic comedy with Meg Ryan titled 'Kate and Leopold'
Jackman plays a Victorian English duke who is accidentally time-traveled to 21st-centur
y Manhattan, where he meets Kate, a cynical advertising executive.

Hugh Jackman widely known as Wolverine, a character in X-Men trilogy. pas th 2008, dia main di X-Men Origins:Wolverine, aduh pas ntn ampe mupeng-mupeng gw di dlm bioskop :p Oiya! th 2011 mo ada lg loh X-Men Origins:Wolverine yg kedua. Yeayy! can't wait!

Jackman pas jd Van Helsing. hmmm, gw ga ntn filmnya sih, jd ga tau gmn dia pas jd Van Helsing. cm klo diliat dr picnya, gw kurang suka :( rambutnya gondrong, jd kurang charming gmn gt. hehehe (but I still adore you, big guy!)

Look how cute Jackman when he was younger with those weirdo glasses B) HEHEHE foto ini diambil pas dia married ma Debora Lee-Furness in 1996. Lucky you Mrs. Jackman!

Hugh Jackman with Debora-Lee, his 13 yrs older wife :) Furness had two miscarriages, then they adopted two children, Oscar Maximillian (born 15 May, 2000) and Ava Eliot (born 10 July, 2005) --> thx to!

Hugh Jackman waktu jd The Drover di 'Australia'. Film th 2008 barengan sm nikol kitmen.

alamak! perpaduan yg perfek abis antara mukanya yg clumsy, badan yg abis mandi (di filmnya sih ceritanya begitu), rambut perlente klimis2 gitu, alisnya yg naik sebelan ma those sexy great perfectly awesome hotbod! *dying here, tidak bisa berkata apa-apa.

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